5 Candies Bodybuilders Can Munch on Guilt-free

Whenever we see bodybuilders, the general assumption that pops up in our minds is that they would be extremely diet and fitness conscious. In most cases, that’s actually true too. But like many of us, even bodybuilders get cravings for sweets and sugary foods! 


Luis Aguila/Unsplash | Sports dieticians say bodybuilders can snack on a few candies, which might replenish their energy

Several fitness freaks admit that when they see candies, their eyes widen, and their mouths start salivating. But due to their strictly controlled diet, they usually can’t give in to their cravings. Well, we have some good news for all such people out there. Nutritionists say you don’t have to kill your urges anymore (not completely, at least!).

According to sports dietitians, there are some candies that you can munch on without worrying about the level of sugar in them. Now we don’t want to stand between you and your favorite treats, so why don’t we just get on with telling you which ones. 

Peanut M&M’s

If these little chocolate-covered roasted peanuts force you to take a trip to the store, don’t stop yourself, ‘cuz you will be missing out on a lot of nutrients. 2020 Super Bowl Champions, Kansas City Chiefs’ sports dietitian Leslie Bonci, says that bodybuilders need proteins and carbs to tone their muscles. They need a lot of energy to lift heavy weights regularly, and they can get it from Peanut M&M’s. 


Ralston Smith/Unsplash | Bodybuilders need proteins and carbs to tone their muscles, along with a lot of energy to lift heavy weights regularly, and they can get all that from Peanut M&M’s

Gummy worms

Though these springy colorful worms look more like a plaything, they have benefits similar to a protein bar. Dana Angelo White, a registered dietitian, author, and certified athletic trainer states that many sports nutritionists recommend gummy worms for instant energy during cycling. She suggests if bodybuilders want to get the most from their cross-training sessions, they should pop a few gummy worms before their cardio training.

Mr. Goodbar

They don’t call this candy good for no reason! Hershey’s Mr. Goodbar not only satisfies the palette but also gives your body enough energy to exercise for long hours. The chocolate within the bar provides quick energy, whereas the peanuts give sustained energy to power the workouts. So the next time you are lifting weights, have one block before and after the job is done.  

Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups

No matter how you eat these cups, you can be sure that you won’t disturb your calorie intake. According to Dr. Amy Goodson, a sports dietitian and author of The Sports Nutrition Playbook, bodybuilders can enjoy Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups without worrying about their calorie intake. Since the amazing blend of chocolate and peanut butter has barely 110 calories, it won’t affect their diet a lot. Plus, their palette will also get a break from the regular high-protein meals.

Hershey’s Dark Chocolate Bar

This dark chocolate bar ain’t nothing like a regular chocolate bar. It has 200 calories and zero sodium (you heard that right!). That means you don’t have to worry about water retention at all. Plus, since the bar contains organic compounds, your body gets antioxidants like catechins, flavanols, and polyphenols, along with other delicious things. Now isn’t that a win-win deal!


Janne Simoes/Unsplash | Hershey’s dark chocolate bar contains organic compounds and antioxidants like catechins, flavanols, and polyphenols

So are you ready to grab that candy without feeling guilty? But wait! We know you’re super excited, but remember to not go overboard, for too much sweet can mess with your fitness levels.

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