Ces célébrités vivent dans de véritables havres de paix… Certaines de leurs propriétés sont même hallucinantes. Ne ratez pas le numéro 24 !

Patrick Bruel – L’Isle-Sur-La-Sorgue

Patrick Bruel was the biggest star of French song during the 90s. His hits “J’te l’dis nevertheless”, “La star des grands hommes”, “Qui a le Droit”… rocked the entire world. a generation. He also had a very respectable acting career with more than forty films to his credit.

When he wants to rest, Patrick Bruel takes refuge in his estate in L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, very close to Avignon, which he acquired in 2007. The estate contains 2,600 olive trees and produces very high quality olive oil. Patrick Bruel said his goal was to pass on his passion for olive oil to his two sons.

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